How often do tutors meet?
All of our tutors are considered self employed. What that means is that each tutor has the ability to set their own schedules as they see fit.
How much do tutors get paid?
Tutors have the ability to set their own rates. Since our premium tutors specialize in high level STEM subjects, typically our tutor’s starting rates are around $30/hour and go up depending on the subject. Tutors retain 75% of their earnings.
Am I qualified to be a tutor for EngiNearU?
EngiNearU looks for tutors who are knowledgable in a field of high level STEM, who have at least 1 year of tutoring experience, and who have the heart of a teacher. We go through an extensive interview process as well as a background check to ensure we have the best of the best tutors.
How do I signup for a tutoring lesson?
As a parent or a student register for an account using the links found above. You will then receive a follow-up email containing information about how to use the platform along with how to login. You will then be contacted by your tutor of choice or by a tutor in that specific field. At that point you can discuss with the tutor times that work well and how the lesson will be conducted
What if I still have additional questions?
If you still have additional questions about becoming a tutor we encourage you to signup for one of our info sessions so that we can talk with you directly. If you are a parent or student and have additional questions please send us an email at admin@enginearu.com or shoot us a dm on one of our social media platforms!
How is payment handled?
All payment is handled by Stripe. EngiNearU does not directly handle any payments from customers.